Well I thought it was about time I posted as I've been very lazy in letting all you lovely bloggers do the hard work with me sitting back reading lots of your posts!! I havent had anything exciting to blog about really until now.............................................
Meet Daisy!

She is 10 weeks and has one green eye and one blue eye, she is also deaf in one ear! Apparantly cats who are all white with blue eyes are nearly always 100% deaf but the fact Daisy has a green eye means she can hear in the one ear, so far she seems to hear everything! We have had her for nearly two weeks and she is adorable, I only have a few pics of her, will take some more soon! Now I hope Catherine Mollycupcakes doesnt mind that we have called her Daisy, but its the only name we all agree on. She is pure white (slightly grey now after going into places that havent been dusted in a long time...ooops!) and she will have a yellow collar to make it her just like a pretty Daisy (how sad am I )

So far she has been excellant, no toilet accidents and sleeping through the night!! Although she has taken a liking to her cat litter.......has anyone else had this problem? She rolls around in it and tries to eat and makes a dreadful mess with it!!

I thought I would leave you with some pics of my fave things around the house, I dont really show much so will plan to show more!!

Afternoon tea waiting for my lovely friend for her birthday!! Now sunning herself on Australia!!

Flowers made for my by Louie at Beavers for Mothers Day!L

LA Bunting!!

Lovely hearts from lovely bloggers!

Sparkly butterfly from said friend above!

Fave photo frame sadly lacking a picture!!

I love this material, cushion is a purchase from when I worked at Monsoon, I just love the colour combination!!

Fave flowers given to my by my beautiful mum!

Latest buy........Next.....very CK

Finally snap shot of my faveourite room!!
Well we are gearing up for the half term........yipee, this term has really dragged so looking forward to relaxing!!
Take care, have a fab weekend!
Edit : Have you seen the pics of Jamie and Jools oliver with their new baby daughter, congratulations to the both of them, they are my favourite couple!! www.rexfeatures.com
Hi Claire
Your home looks so gorgeous lots of yumminess everywhere , I love the next tea, coffee sugar pots. I have had my eye on them. Your tray waiting foryour friend looks lovely and those cakes look so pretty. Can I ask what colour you painted the walls in your kitchen, its a lovely shade. Ps not sure if my comments are working , have no idea if anyone can comment. Can you let me know?, if you cant reply can you leave me a reply here!
many many thanks x Dom
Looooove the furry kitty. Lots more photos please. Kitchen looks gorgeous too, I really like those Next tins, spotted them in the book but really don't think I need any more tea/coffee tins, sadly. Now if they didn't have writing on, that would be a different matter!
Hen x
Oh my goodness, how cute is Daisy!?!
Love your kitchen and all the yummy things in it. xx
oh daisy is so cute!!! and a yellow collar sounds perfect to me :-)
i love the next tins that range is very CK isnt it i may have to buy something (am easily led ;-))
have a fab half term :-)
Lesley x
hopefully Dom pops back here but just tried to leave a comment for you but its saying only team members can comment so i suspect you changed the comment settings to only members can comment - if you change it to anyone (bearing in mind you have made it private so "anyone" would only be the readers you invited) then it should work fingers crossed!
ps - thank you claire for letting us use your comments box ;-)
Really enjoyed the snapshots of your lovely lovely home!
The kitten is the cutest ever!
Want one!
Thank you for popping by Claire!
Always lovely to hear from you!xxxx
Ohhhh she is so cute, widh my hubby would let me get a cat (again)!
Lovely pictures and what a beautiful home,
have a lovely weekend,
Nina x
Hello you indeed! Daisy is gorgeous - what a dear little thing she is :o) and she fits into your beautiful home so well!
I had to laugh at the empty photo frame as I have so any epty photoframes waiting for me to finally print off something to put in them lol
How cute is Daisy, my friends little girl is called Daisy!
What a beautiful home you have, I am in love with your kitchen and all your pretty bits.
Thanks for sharing your lovely home and the gorgeous Daisy!
It was about time you did a post! ;0)
Have a fab weekend…love Lou xxx
Thanks Claire so glad my comments are sorted out now!. I seem to always do something wrong!
xx Dom
ps hi Lesley I have set it to anyone on settings. Fingers crossed. I will go and visit you now!
How gorgeous is cute little Daisy, and a name I love dearly ;)
And how gorgeous are your cute little pretties in your home, I love the next tins, very sweet
Oh I would love a kitten, but Mr P says no! mind you he's away for 5 weeks at the end of the month so who knows! tee hee!
I love the clean fresh look to your house, I wish I was that tidy!
I really need to de clutter!
X Alex
She is so cute, there's nothing like a cheeky little kitten for that 'aaaah' factor!
Kim xx
Oh Miss Daisy is as cute as cute can be! I think Mr. Tumnus would definitely be interested! If she wants babies though he's not the man for her as he recently had his boy bits removed!
Your home is gorgeous honey especially the kitchen. I LOVE the shelves so so much they're just divine.
Clairey xxx
Your kitten is adorable and Daisy is such a beautiful name (although I am a little bias as one of my little girls is called Daisy). You have a lovely home.
Happy Easter
Daisy is beautiful, you must be so smitten with her.
I saw a cat in greece with one blue and one green eye and posted a picture of it on my blog! I did not know that they are probably deaf!
Have a wonderful Easter with your lovley family.
Carol xxx
Happy Easter hunni!xxx
Just catching up with your posts ! I love Daisy kitten , we are having another kitty soon hopefully !!
Love the kitchen pics !
Sara x
hey! thanks for stopping by my blog!
I am loving your little Daisy! so sweet! we are hoping to get a kitten when we move to our new house! :)
and i love your kitchen too! xxx
Little Daisy is the absolute sweetest thing! I LOVE your kitchen!
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