Saturday was a lovely sunny but cold day, so we wrapped up, jumped in the car and drove not too far from us, to the Wenallt, which are ancient woodlands!

Steve gave the boys challenges, this was to see who could get to the top first!

Another challenge was who could bring the biggest stick! in 30 seconds to him, this is Max getting confused with a branch!!

Louie was in his element! Swinging like a monkey none stop!
Next we went to Caerphilly mountain, it seperates Cardiff and Caerphilly, it's seperated by a road in the middle making it easier for moi to get around!!

You can just see the older three running up the top, I'm as usual trailing behing like billy no mates.

Some views form the top!

You can make out little pockets of villages, which are known as the Valleys!

Thankyou for sharing our walk!! Claire xx
I love long walks in the woods, thanks for sharing yours x
I love to get out every now and again to somewhere quiet that isn't full of people.... it clears the head and you feel conected again!
lovely pictures...
take care Alex
oh what a lovely walk, Wales looks such a gorgeous place, rolling hills and the valleys, beautiful. I never know where boys get their energy from..they just go bonkers in the fresh air dont they?!
Beautiful photos, it looks like you all had a fab time!
You sound like me I’m always at the back, I love having boys though!
Love Lou xxx
What a wonderful walk - I just wish T and I lived nearby because it looks like a beautiful place to spend the afternoon! Thanks for sharing x
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